I've been pretty
busy this last week, although I really could, and should have worked
on the comic. I did have some time when I could have, and I really
could have cut a few activities to work on the comic... like Eijima
and my 6-ish hour DOA3 warm up for the Summer.
But, I didn't.
So, instead of bitching and moaning
about how much free time I wish I had (I know I have more then I
realize... I just convince myself otherwise, and therefore HAVE
no free time), how busy work is, and how much it sucks... I'm going
to talk to you about other things that I feel like bitching about!
Actually I don't really feel like bitching...
but I will. This next week is going to be pretty busy for me. When
I'm not working, I've got a band concert to go to, so I can laugh
at Jessica (I'm kidding, don't shoot Slacker, I'm sure you'll do
fine!), on Thursday is my birthday, and Jessica has something planned,
which makes me quite nervous, and on Saturday is Prom. So the only
time I'll be able to work on the next comic is while I'm waiting
for Jessica to get outta class, and before work, or maybe after
work if I can still feel my arms. I'll see what I can do, but no
I've got to leave for work in a bit,
but I'm going to finish the comic when I come back, I only work
until 10PM tonight. I'm also going to draw up a few sketches of
all of the characters (us) and post them in the BIOS... this is
all assuming I can find the drivers disk for my scanner... and assuming
they don't keep me until close... without a break... again... bastards...
Sometime soon, probably after this week,
unless I DO get the comic done, and my final for Art done *heh that's
funny* I'm going to play again the original Tales of Destiny. It's
an rpg I rented on a whim a few years ago, when I craved a new rpg,
and this one caught my eye. I played it, and it was good. It was
made by Namco, who also does the Ridge Racer series *drools* and
has a heavy Anime feel to it. Another major plus, for me at least,
is it still uses sprites, instead of polygons. I feel almost nostalgic
playing sprite based games. I feel like I'm back in the rpg era
of the SNES. There aren't that many games now-a-days that still
use sprites. One that I saw an ad for over at Penny-Arcade
I'm thinking about picking up sometime. It's called LaPucelle Tactics.
It's made by the same people as Disgaea. I never played Disgaea,
but I watched Ellis play it for a bit, and it seemed rather entertaining.
Tactical rpg's though really aren't my thing. So I'm not too sure
how much I'll really enjoy it. Oh well, Tales of Destiny comes first
Alright, I'm going to update the BIOS
pages... I'll post a new comic after work tonight... jya!