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5/12/04 - Posted new drawings, and finished up the BIOS

5/9/04 - Updated the BIOS pages, finishing up next weeks comic

5/3/04 - Jessica's working on a new page, to see it click here

4/25/04 - Back from Sakura-con, new comic posted, comence passing out!

4/22/04 - Made some changes to the site, added a bunch of content, the site's basically up and running at it's full potential now

4/19/04 - 1337-B4k4s V2.0 back on the internet

Click Here for the Latest Comic

Wenesday, May 12, 2004 - 4:23 AM Sunday, November 2, 2003 - 2:28 AM
Posted by: Slacker Posted by: Kage Shima
Finally Something New for You to Look At!

I've been trying to find a feel for an idea for the first comic to post, but I haven't felt good about any of the ideas that I've been producing. They're alright, just not good for a first comic. I was hanging out with Kurai last night, and he wanted me to draw his Final Fantasy XI character. So I figured why not. So I scanned that for him, and also Eijima and Monkey's CG-Dar or Cute Girl rayDAR, that they came up with while wandering around Sakura-con. I'll let Eijima touch on that one in his next rant.

As you've noticed, my rants are more like news updates for the site really then anything. My job here is the art, I'm not here for my literature skills, that's Eijima's job. He actually plans his rants out, and has things to say about it. While I on the other hand just sorta make things up on the spot, what ever's in my mind at the time, I just throw it down on the page. Which is why it takes so long for Eijima's rants. Trust me though, in the end it's worth it. I have yet to read a rant by him that didn't make me chuckle out loud. Because of this I've decided to post his old work, at the request of several people. I'm sure I should get Eijima's aproval first, but he's neglecting to answer his IM's like usual.

I was in Stanwood earlier today. If you haven't been to Stanwood, it's a small city isolated from the world. There's nothing to do there, it's miles from civilization, and I swear everybody knows everybody there! It's creepy! It does however give me a great idea for a game... I actually had a crazy idea as I was blindly following Jessica around the town. If you were to mix Tokimeki Memorial with Silent Hill 3... I'd say you'd have a good idea as to what my idea was about. Life there is so much more different then life here. Living in a suburb of a big city, and living in an isolated town are so different that it facinates me to no end. I spent most of the day there today, and was there for Jessica's concert, which was surprisingly good. I found myself actually enjoying it, instead of it being an obligation.

It was brought to my attention that I hadn't recieved some e-mails that people had tried to send to my hotmail account. This surprised me that there are actually other people reading this page then myself, and a select few individuals. The power of the internet never ceases to amaze me. I have remidied this problem. I have now changed the e-mail account to a dedicated hotmail account. The e-mails should go through to this account, I just need to remember to check it each day. I updated all of the links, so no worries. Eijima's e-mail on the other hand is still not up, I'll wait for his next rant to fix it. I'm not too sure which e-mail address he wants to use anyway.

Well my birthday's tomorrow, I don't have much planned, but I'm turning 20, and for some reason I feel really old, and immature, knowing that I'm 20. Eijima and I had a conversation about this not too long ago, about how we've been on this planet so long, but what have we accomplished. Not Much! I mean hell, I'm still working at Burger King! But I guess what matter's is that I've got a plan, idea's and a will... at least that's what my mother keeps telling me. I've been secretly working on building up Slacker Corporation for the past few months by myself. Getting things ready for this summer. When we start working on our first game. There are still some kinks I need to work out, but those will be remidied with time, and a visit to the Small Business Administration.

Well now that I've got over the hump of throwing something else up on the website, I can start updateing on somewhat of a schedule. I thing I'm going to move the new comic date to Saturday, because I normally have Thursday and Friday off. I can work pretty hard on the comic then, and post it either Friday night, or Saturday before work. I'm not going to be able to get a new one done by this Saturday due to prom, I have to work on Friday to make up for it. But if I get a decent sketch done before then, I'll post it...


The Return - Part 2: Does Ionized Water Taste Like Clouds?

I realize that it has been quite some time since I last posted, but, recently I’ve been fighting my way through midterms and general studying. A lot of what I have to say relates to stuff that happened a while back, but I’ll throw in some more recent stuff, if I can think of it…

First off, I know I said I’d have something up in audio format, but it turns out that I’m having more homework than I anticipated, this quarter (the fact that I’m having a whole crap-load of fun with the program is kind of slowing down my progress as well, but you can just ignore that little tidbit). It will take me a couple more days or weeks, I don’t really know now, I expect to be getting close to finishing the piece this Saturday, IF things go as I plan, and seeing as how I only have one class Friday, I’ll be catching up on a bunch of stuff, mainly programming and finishing the rest of my ‘Return’ series of rants (they will probably end up being about three to four parts total, depends on what I end up deeming appropriate, which may end up being a significant distance between postings for each one). All the aforementioned completely depend upon life deciding not to screw with me too much.

Next on today’s episode of KageShima Rants… Damnit Namakemono, I frigging hate you, you bastard. Posting and hinting that I might have some oddball S&M fetish. The few reasons I use Ivy include: 1. At the time, I had never played Soul Caliber (1 or 2), 2. With the nature of her weapon (Snake Sword), I knew that she was tactically superior, having a greater range of attack ,3. I promptly showed you the superiority of the Snake Sword and completely owned you for a good while, 4. The outfit I chose was better than the ‘stock’ one, 5. and finally, despite whatever thoughts you have as to how resilient to, and/or liking of pain I am, I can assure you, I am quite allergic to it. On the other hand, any time you want to be thrashed about by Ivy and me, let me know, I shall gladly return to the arena to give you and your little Talim a good beat-down. Oh, and if you plan on using the girl with the naginata (Seung Mina), I’ll hang you from your toes, and we’ll see how cheap you can be while fighting a red-out. Yes, I am a violent person at times.

I guess another part of me not ranting could possibly (not really) be blamed upon the fact that I’ve been working with Slacker on the storyline and site layout, trying to get some finishing touches thrown in, just to make it look a bit more… appropriate for the content, as well as deciding as to what the main content focus should be. Soon the site should be looking a bit aesthetically cleaner, just about the time that we will be having an actual comic for you folk to observe.

Just out of curiosity, I wonder, is it considered ‘bad’ or ‘unacceptable’ to be an objective person? It just seems that I have ended up coming across a great number of people that somehow find it hard to fathom the way that I decide and process what I do. I know that a majority of the time I’m BS’ing, but (I think) more often than not, there’s a reason to my rhyme… It may just be me though. I have always found people confusing, especially with the kind of people they decide to throw upon a pedestal and give millions of dollars a year, when there are constant cuts in teacher funding. The same can be said about the prison system… I always thought prisons were designed to punish those who had broken the law to some extent, not so that they could go to college to earn a degree, earn wages working a job, or take part in an internship. Who the hell decided it was necessary to be humane to the inhumane?

I guess that the problem is that people are generally a misguided lot. They oft confuse their own desires for emotions, and read too far into situations or read only that which they long to see, and thus try to find a way to exploit it, most frequently unconsciously. Actually, I don’t think that it is happening unconsciously, as people are more lazy, and would rather live ignorant of what they are doing, because learning from yourself is probably one of the most difficult forms of learning, and well, people are lazy, as are all things. All forms of matter seek the simplest form, eventually breaking down to meet a physical equilibrium. I don’t know, maybe it’s just me.

I was going to talk about something else here, but I can’t remember what right now… It’s probably for the best that I wait ‘til later to recall whatever the hell it was… Oh, well. I shall post again in the future, hopefully with a bit more than a few pages of text…

Today’s Terminology

Red Out - A sudden reddening of the visual field accompanied by severe headache and caused by engorgement of the blood vessels of the head when a person is subjected to a negative force of gravity, as in stunt flying, or hanging from their toes.

Sadomasochism (S&M) - The combination of sadism and masochism, in particular the deriving of pleasure, especially sexual gratification, from inflicting and/or submitting to physical or emotional abuse.

Trigger, and Otaku Theatre are part of a Slacker Corporation Entertainment project. They are ment to entertain people, not to offend. There are however some things on this site that maybe offensive to some people. If you get offended easily, or have strong morale or religious values, and don't have a very open mind, we'd ask you to please leave this site.

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