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Wenesday, May 12, 2004 - 4:23 AM  
Posted by: Slacker  
Finally Something New for You to Look At!

I've been trying to find a feel for an idea for the first comic to post, but I haven't felt good about any of the ideas that I've been producing. They're alright, just not good for a first comic. I was hanging out with Kurai last night, and he wanted me to draw his Final Fantasy XI character. So I figured why not. So I scanned that for him, and also Eijima and Monkey's CG-Dar or Cute Girl rayDAR, that they came up with while wandering around Sakura-con. I'll let Eijima touch on that one in his next rant.

As you've noticed, my rants are more like news updates for the site really then anything. My job here is the art, I'm not here for my literature skills, that's Eijima's job. He actually plans his rants out, and has things to say about it. While I on the other hand just sorta make things up on the spot, what ever's in my mind at the time, I just throw it down on the page. Which is why it takes so long for Eijima's rants. Trust me though, in the end it's worth it. I have yet to read a rant by him that didn't make me chuckle out loud. Because of this I've decided to post his old work, at the request of several people. I'm sure I should get Eijima's aproval first, but he's neglecting to answer his IM's like usual.

I was in Stanwood earlier today. If you haven't been to Stanwood, it's a small city isolated from the world. There's nothing to do there, it's miles from civilization, and I swear everybody knows everybody there! It's creepy! It does however give me a great idea for a game... I actually had a crazy idea as I was blindly following Jessica around the town. If you were to mix Tokimeki Memorial with Silent Hill 3... I'd say you'd have a good idea as to what my idea was about. Life there is so much more different then life here. Living in a suburb of a big city, and living in an isolated town are so different that it facinates me to no end. I spent most of the day there today, and was there for Jessica's concert, which was surprisingly good. I found myself actually enjoying it, instead of it being an obligation.

It was brought to my attention that I hadn't recieved some e-mails that people had tried to send to my hotmail account. This surprised me that there are actually other people reading this page then myself, and a select few individuals. The power of the internet never ceases to amaze me. I have remidied this problem. I have now changed the e-mail account to a dedicated hotmail account. The e-mails should go through to this account, I just need to remember to check it each day. I updated all of the links, so no worries. Eijima's e-mail on the other hand is still not up, I'll wait for his next rant to fix it. I'm not too sure which e-mail address he wants to use anyway.

Well my birthday's tomorrow, I don't have much planned, but I'm turning 20, and for some reason I feel really old, and immature, knowing that I'm 20. Eijima and I had a conversation about this not too long ago, about how we've been on this planet so long, but what have we accomplished. Not Much! I mean hell, I'm still working at Burger King! But I guess what matter's is that I've got a plan, idea's and a will... at least that's what my mother keeps telling me. I've been secretly working on building up Slacker Corporation for the past few months by myself. Getting things ready for this summer. When we start working on our first game. There are still some kinks I need to work out, but those will be remidied with time, and a visit to the Small Business Administration.

Well now that I've got over the hump of throwing something else up on the website, I can start updateing on somewhat of a schedule. I thing I'm going to move the new comic date to Saturday, because I normally have Thursday and Friday off. I can work pretty hard on the comic then, and post it either Friday night, or Saturday before work. I'm not going to be able to get a new one done by this Saturday due to prom, I have to work on Friday to make up for it. But if I get a decent sketch done before then, I'll post it...



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