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Thursday, April 27, 2004 - 1:50 AM  
Posted by: Slacker  
Sakura-Con 2004 - Aftermath


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Preface - I had high hopes for Sakura-con this year... it was... different then last year. First things first, I only got an hour of sleep Thursday night after Tai-chi before the con... don't ask why, I was just anxious I guess, seems to me the same thing happened to me last year as well.

So around 7 in the morning I decided to put on my Cloud costume, and creep some people out, I'm sure my father wanted to disown me, my mother didn't really care, and boy did my boss think I was nuts! I hope I still have a job... I should probably check...

After getting everyone together aside from Eijima, he stopped by later, I'll let him go into the whole... uh... process of getting to con Eijima style. Anyway, we took off and headed to the con... on the wrong direction of the freeway... twice... don't ask, I was tired and turned around in my own backyard.

After getting there and registering we went into the dealers room. Now I'd like to hit on something here. One of the major problems that I had with this years Sakura-con was the fact that there was no programming schedule... well there was but it was layed out as follows...

Autographs Room - Emerald - Opens 6AM - Closes 9PM or something to that extent.

I enjoyed last years scheduling much better....

Megatokyo signing 1-3PM Emerald Room

Because of this I had no idea where or when any of the panels were. I really wanted to see the webcomic panel, and get Fred's Autograph/sketch again, but didn't know where he was or when. I did see him in the lobby of our hotel after hours when Jessica and I were wandering around but he was on the phone, I'm sure talking to Saraphim, and figured it would be best if I wasn't to bother him. Ok, back to the dealers room...

The first thing we noticed what that there was a long line for Fred, if you wondered what Penny-Arcade's strip was about, this is it. We figured we'd come back later, and get our stuff signed by him. We come back an hour or so later, and there was quite literally no one in the dealers room. We came to the conclusion that Fred had taken off... sure enough, no Fred at the MT booth.

As we were going through the dealers room, we stumbled across a maga dealer... I stopped drooled... and instantly lost all my money and sanity. I saw exactly what I had wanted, (except for my Lei-Fang figure... you ass Steven!) Two AIKa art books, and Three Satoshi Urushihara books. The AIKa books, were mine! End of story, didn't even need a second thought. The Urushihara books, I only decided to get one, but Monkey was peer pressureing me pretty hard... trust me, peer pressure is NOT something you want to have happen to you at a con, YOU WILL CAVE! After saying that I decided against it due to lack of funds, I heard someone nearby say that I was unprepared. Unprepaired maybe, but it was a good thing, because regardless of how much money I would have brought, I would have none of it now.

This is about the time Eijima joined up with us. When I realized that I had lost my mom's camera and sketchbook... It was time for Monkey and I to go on an Excursion! After wandering around for a while, we found Jessica in a swim-suit (I'll hit on her later... you know what I mean!) Amazingly enough someone happened to be turning the stuff in as I was asking if anyone had found it.

I don't really remember much of what happened after that, just a bunch of water and Jessica in a swim-suit. I don't think much else really happened Friday. I do remember the whole running to Radio Shack and buying an adapter so we could use the X-Box. When Eijima and I got back we went to the pool, and oogled at the girls for a bit... yes, there are cute girls at cons...

Hmm... what else... sometime later after we were denied entrace to the Karaoke room... Jessica dropped by with a dress disturbingly similar to Lei-Fang's dress... this cought my attention, more then a little bit. It's about this time that Eijima, and everyone else who was at con with me, and who's reading this is skipping a few paragraphs, or just plain skipping the rest of the rant altogether. Don't worry, I won't go on blabing about Jessica, and what we did... but I will say that I was a good boy... that however by no means says anything for her...

I don't remember much after this, just a lot of video games, Magic Knight Rayearth (the f*sking bunney deserves DEATH!)

The Hiro concert was too hyped up, although it was funny seeing Eijima tweak out over her cover of 'Fly me to the moon' I would have liked to go, but I didn't really feel like forking over another $30 to wait in line for a while, just for a concert... but I did still wanted to go...

Jumping around because the con really was a big blur to me, I didn't get much sleep, and I know Monkey and Eijima didn't except for a few hours before the Hiro panel... ANYWAY, not getting side tracked, I do remember Saturday night, after the rave, and after Jessica passed out, Eijima and Monkey came back to the room, and Eijima had... a cat... girl... on a leash... I was kinda like... 'hello...' Well it was an interesting conversation to say the least, and I'm sure it was back at the other room with others and lack of sleep thoughts. I'll also let Eijima touch on that subject, I'm sure you'll hear all about that one.

Speaking of Saturday night, and the rave, I thought it was kinda funny that people got mad and booed the DJ because they started playing rap... not even techno... or even jpop/jrock... it was bad... I do have to admit the visualizations WERE really cool, and I did get to see some nifty dance moves, and it was cool while it lasted when Jarret and I did pushing hands with glow-sticks, that rocked!

I think that's about it, I got some signitures, from some Japanese guys that did Serial Experiments Lain... and after meeting them, I understand completely why I have no f*sking clue as to what's going on in Lain.

Well, that's all I've really got to say about Sakura-con, I'll let Eijima tie up the loose ends, like his $300 CD purchase, and what not...


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