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Ellis - Baldy - Justin Ellis
Ellis went to Kamiak, a rival school to Mariner. Slacker brought Ellis to the 'group' at Mariner, now we can't get him off. Ellis is creepily random. He could be compared to Eijima on a calmer level, with more of the creepyness factor thrown in. He also has a lot of tattoos. Ellis drives a Lexus, that he's working on pimping out. He also makes the most money out of all of us, working at the NorthShore Utility District. Ellis doesn't have a place in the Slacker Corporation because he decided he wants to become a teacher. Or he'll stay with the NUD, and make lots of money off peoples tax dollars.

Trigger, and Otaku Theatre are part of a Slacker Corporation Entertainment project. They are ment to entertain people, not to offend. There are however some things on this site that maybe offensive to some people. If you get offended easily, or have strong morale or religious values, and don't have a very open mind, we'd ask you to please leave this site.

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